James Iha
the smashing pumpkins
"The title of the album is supposed to say two things: I've had some of these songs for a while, and its like the weather, when rain or snow is waiting to come down. Its a release in a way. I also think people expect me to be this alternative gram-rocker. It's about things coming down to being mote about the songs, the sound and the melodies."
好喇!唔該晒 james !講完 james 既大碟之後,不能不講,就係佢個樣,其實我覺得佢真係好靚仔架!(講個秘密過你知,我之所以鍾意恭碩良,係因為我覺得 jun 好似 james iha 咋!)我認為佢果一把唔長唔短既髮型最正!加埋個樣亦正亦邪!唔信?cheack it out!!! 斯斯文時: 邪邪地時:
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