Mansun 不嬲都係我既 favorite ! 佢地 d 歌真係好正,好有深度,絕對唔係一般 Britpop band 。但係佢地內涵就十足,但係造型就...(睇mansun's freak show啦! )
宜家係Mansun 教你d做人既道理喇!係 [ legacy ] 度,佢教我地all Relationships are emptying and temporary. 係 [ being a girl] 度,阿paul教我地「人禽 之別」,佢話my deodorant hides the real me. these things elevate me above animals..... Mansun 係 [i care] 話 i hang glass from my wall, it makes my life seem big. Mirrors hang from my wall, to make my world seem big. 仲有教人掉下眼淚的 [churchofthedrivethruelvis] 中:you take life better than me. my wheelchair rolls into the sea. tender blooms factures and torn. we're all sinners, i know.
係極"正" CHAD's 結他襯下唱出the simplest things, the
quietest, the child-like simplicity. everything i need to hear, positive the way
i view. the simple of thought, inherit the earth (shotgun blows, shotgun blows)
like winnie-the -pooh, confucianist rules. oblivious in what i do, deliberate
the way i live. the nature of uncarved blocks is how to describe what's hard to describe.
Mansun 既歌,其實唔係全部都咁嚴肅既,好多都好攪野架(但唔cheap架,好有幽默感就真!) [moronica] 係一首關於「叫雞」既歌,佢繪聲繪影咁唱two foot long and your neck keeps growing. ten foot tall, round your head it's snowing. 25 grand and you've worked three hours. 15 girls through an hole in your trousers. (拿拿拿!留意最後果一句呀!十五個女仔串過你的褲管喎!!!真係唔講得少呀!) 佢地成名作之一 [stripper vicar] 中,已經流露出哩四條友仔既古怪作風,and we know that he's a vicar and by night a part time stripper. and the vicar got suspended in his stockings and suspenders. and he's making wine from water while he dresses like his daughter. and we know that he's rip off cos we've seen him with his kit off. (日頭做神父,夜晚做脫衣舞男???咁都得!!!) 最後以一 [ an openletter to the lyrical trainspotter] 的幾句送俾大家,以報答各位睇我個pages-------lyrics mean nothing, don't right any wrongs. in fact i'm not having them on this. you say they mean nothing, just gobbledygook. but just look at yourself, you're not clever enough. understanding the truth you are so out of touch. (words, they don't mean nothing much and i don't care) you believe all of this, you can't see it's a spoof. understand all the words when they don't even rhyme. and i'm losing the rhythm and the whole thing's getting weirder and weirder........................ AND IF YOU BELIEVE ALL THAT YOU'RE A BIGGER FOOL THAN ME.......................... 與君並勉之啦! 返回[我的人] |